Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The second diary

Gidday mate!!!!
I learned this word and this is used as slung word in Australia. This means "Hello!" in English.

My name is Shodai Sugiyama.
I write about today's my/our learning

Firstly, we learned that there are some mistakes in some films today.
And we studied English with listening CD.
These finished at 10:30am and we took a break for 90 minutes.

Secondly, we learned about Australian slung and some Australian states.
Except of the word I wrote on the top of this blog, we learn some words, for example "reckon", "gonna", "ya" and so on.
Then we learned about each 7 states, "New South Wales", "The Australian Capital Territory", "Victoria", "Tasmania", "South Australia", "Western Australia", "The Northern Territory", "Queensland".
Beacause of this lecture, we gave more information about Australia and I am inspired to want to go to everywhere.

Finally, we took a lecture about our business project. This project is something that we call one of the company we have interest in by ourselves, and visit there and reseach the company. This is Rikkyo University's curriculam and useful for us so I want to succeed.

I think we will be more busy but I want to do my best!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Shodai.
    It is very interesting to know what you all are doing there. I hope your final project will finish successfully.

    See ya! :)
    Shoko Ichijo
